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9 Ways Social Media Marketing Will Change Your Business Opportunities

Graphic software will rise:-

Posts on Facebook with photos get 53% more likes, 104% more comments and 84% more click-throughs than text-based posts.We’ll be using more graphic software to turn our written content into visual content to make it more shareable on social media.

Social won’t be use for sales:-

People love to buy, but they hate to be sold. Companies currently celebrating the most success in social media focus on engagement, nurturing relationships and sharing value through their social outreach. Customers and prospects will seek out companies offering value, entertainment, discounts, help and engagement.

Automation will explode:-

A lot currently rides on the shoulders of social media marketers. They have to be on top of brand voice, any current company promotions or marketing campaigns, the tools they measure social media with, the various communities on the platforms, etc.

LinkedIn will become the most important publisher:-

LinkedIn will become a premium destination for industry news, and you need to take part in that ecosystem early and often. Publish original content, network among peers in groups and raise your profile now.

Content will be bigger and better:-

Simple messages and simple questions aren’t enough anymore. To achieve a deeper connection with your customers, a company needs to engage on a deeper and more intelligent level. Short videos, infographics, quality imagery and polls are all ways to engage deeper.

Social will need to stand out:-

Social media has really started to mature. Therefore, it will be a lot harder to stand out. To win big in social media, you’ll have to think outside the box and find ways to get your content to stand out in all the noise.



Social media campaigns will have to be paid:-

The key is learning how to use Facebook and Twitter’s paid tools now so that you’ll have an edge on the competition. For instance, are you using Facebook’s advanced audience tool? It allows you to upload your email database and send specific response messages directly to your focused audience. Imagine being able to segment both email marketing and Facebook ads to your target audience.

Interactive content will trump static content:-

Creating static content is too easy.To get users to engage to the same degree in  subsequent years, publishers will need to make it increasingly engaging, and one effective way to do that is to make your content interactive.

Google+ will merge into the social scene:-

As Google continues to merge its products, it’s becoming more and more important in the social media landscape. There are so many benefits to using Google+. It creates a strong community that allows you to use your brand and identify consumers who share an interest in your products. It also allows your brand to become more social with like-minded consumers. They provide like-minded consumers a platform to connect with one another.

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