React Native – What It Can Do and What It Can’t
What is React Native? React Native is an open source JavaScript framework developed by Facebook. It is an all in one solution to build native mobile apps for Android and iOS platfo
Since its launch in 2003, WordPress has gone on to become one of the world’s most respected Content Management Systems(CMS), powering a staggering 75 million websites worldwide a
The Role of Big Data in Mobile App Development
With 4.57 billion mobile phone users in the world right now, the mobile app development industry is also at its pinnacle. With every company building mobile apps to address externa
Artificial Intelligence – New Buzz in Automation Testing
Testing is a process to ensure a defect free software to the customers. It safeguards an application against failures that may result in future. To ensure that the software package
Digital transformation and cloud A tight coupling
Cloud and digital transformation are closely linked. The early adopters of cloud will get a leg up on the competition in terms of digital experience for their customers and employe
Digital Marketing – An Era of Constant Changes
So many times, when I meet with my client, they asked me what actually your Digital marketing do while Google advertise their products on Television, I really try to laugh loudly,
7 Ways to Boost Your WordPress Website Performance
Tips to boost business WordPress website performance WordPress initially a blogging platform turned into a fasting growing CMS. Are you one of those who look for perfection with ev
Artificial Intelligence – Digital Publishing and Marketing Industry
What is Artificial Intelligence? As its name implies, artificial intelligence or AI is the intelligence demonstrated by artificial objects, such as the machines made by human being
Guidelines To Design An Automation Testing Framework
All programmers agree on the importance of an efficient framework whether it is developing an application or automated testing. For automation testing, there are a bunch of framewo
Benefits of Technology Implementation
While I understand that there is a certain amount of time you will have to commit at the beginning of this initiative, you will find yourself with quality time post this implementa