Over the years, Telegram has won many hearts with its exclusive features and dynamic chatting. Despite the arrival of numerous messaging applications in the app stores, the unique Telegram continues holding its position firmly. Do you want to build a Telegram-like messaging app? Websenor commits to bringing the exact Telegram App Clone, entailing every next-gen feature that the parent app holds, to the table for our clients.
Signing up is the feature that allows a user to become a member of the app. The user registers by providing their phone number.
Maintaining a Lively Profile
The user’s profile is displayed to the user’s contacts. For their contacts to be flattered, the user can set up a stunning profile picture and an interesting bio.
Push Notifications
Notifications are the feature that keeps users returning to the app. The user is notified of any new texts, group chats, phone calls, or app updates.
Chat Themes
Chat themes are an intriguing feature that allows a user to configure different chat themes for different contacts. This allows them to create exclusive chat themes for their loved ones.
Delivery Note
No more wondering if a message was delivered or not. A tick mark indicates that the text has been sent and received on the other end.
Video Calls
As a result of globalization, users must make video calls. People travel to different countries for work and other reasons, but the video calling feature allows them to stay in touch with their friends and family.
Privacy Settings
Privacy is an essential feature of any chat app solution. To protect their privacy, the user can hide their profile picture from some of their contacts.
End-to-End Encryption
Every chat made by the user is encrypted from the sender to the receiver, allowing the user to share personal messages with friends or family that they do not want others to know about.
User Management
The admin monitors and manages every profile created in the app. Assume that any profile appears to be a forgery. The admin has the ability to remove the profile from the app.
Group Management
The admin also ignores the app’s groups, as well as individual profiles. The admin deletes any group that spreads hate messages or false information.
Admin Status
The admin has a dedicated space in the app to share any common news with the users.
Analytics Board
The analytics board displays graphical data of user behaviour patterns, the number of messages exchanged in a given time period, the number of dormant accounts, and other information.
Update Notifications
The admin sends notifications to the user when there are updates to the app. The admin can either force the app to update immediately or allow the user to update the app at any time.
Elective Features For Your Business Needs
Every business necessitates features that other businesses may not necessitate. Keeping this in mind, we developed a number of optional features.
Ethnic Languages
Some businesses may only cater to specific ethnic groups or languages. As a result, they may require translation in their native language.
Multiple Profile Pictures
The user can upload multiple profile pictures and choose which ones to show to which contacts.
Backup Messages
This feature allows the user to save all of their chats. This enables them to recover data when switching devices.
GIFS and Stickers
GIFs and stickers are required for personal chats in instant messaging apps. It is mostly used to have fun. As a result, this feature has become optional.
Our Telegram Clone App is a solution that works on all platforms, including Android, iOS, and Windows.
For Management
Businesses can use our Telegram Clone to coordinate their teams by using the group chat feature to share files, videos, and other media.
Customer Engagement
Businesses can create Telegram channels to promote their products and services. This enables business owners to interact with their customers in real-time and understand their feedback.
Social Chats
Users can have enjoyable conversations with their friends and family by sharing stickers, GIFs, photos, videos, and other media.