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Why is React Native more promising than other technologies?

React Native is a framework for building native applications using JavaScript both for iOS & Android. A React Native in real terms is a real mobile application. By using this, one creates a real mobile application which is different from an application built using Objective-C or Java. React Native currently supports both iOS and Android, and has the potential to expand to future platforms as well.

Benefits Of React Native
We shall look at the benefits of coding in React Native as mentioned below:

One of the most important or crucial reasons for the developer to choose React Native is the sharing of the code which means that since this is a cross platform mobile application which can allow the developer to share the codes with most of the other different platforms. This would also give one upper hand of creating multiple applications with the same code base. This also helps in saving the developers time, avoiding him/her to share or write another code which ensures one can create a new application with less time.

The strongest USP of React Native is that it is flexible enough. Unlike the other complex & comprehensive long codes to follow it helps the developer to speed up the work by saving time and making it easy for developers. It gives the edge to choose any codes to write or vice – versa suiting what you want.

Another feature here is that React Native provides you with a number of built in components, which allows the developer to avoid doing the redundant work of re-writing the codes again from scratch. One can reuse the codes for making an application, saving one’s time & effort.

Adding to the same, is when React Native provides you with instantly re-loading of the application without any further hassles. When collating one entire chunk of code or the code itself, it will need a required amount of time. Once when the developer starts changing a code or makes even a minor change in the code, he has to collate the entire code together to see how would the desired changes look in the app. But with React Native, one can just have an instant look at the newly developed application. As its saves time too, it let you see how does the application look, post a modified version of the same, without wasting any time.

With the React Native being used for the codes, a single update will work with the other platforms. The codes are flexible enough to be understood and by anyone and, hence play a vital role in making or allowing any other updates or getting the work done other feature here is that React Native provides you with a number of built in components, which allows the developer to avoid doing the redundant work of re-writing the codes again from scratch. One can reuse the codes for making an application, saving one’s time & effort. React Native allows you to change a web project easily to a mobile application quickly.

The React Native platform makes the optimum use of the GPU (Graphics Processing Unit) replacing it with CPU (Central Processing Unit) as widely used in the other native platforms. This makes React Native in sync with the mobile applications around.

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