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“Content is King,” the answer to any question about the importance of content in digital marketing is a paradox unto itself. This phrase explains the importance of content in the most generic way possible, which is the antithesis of any content marketing strategy today.

Ever since Google made its algorithm more nuanced and user friendly, owing to the keyword stuffing strategies employed by initial SEO marketers, the battle for a higher Return on Investment (ROI) has placed content on the forefront of the digital sphere. Yes, content has always held the prime real estate on the internet, but when Google forced the marketer’s hands, content became the life-force of the internet.

Content strategies are highly relevant in digital marketing as they create all the difference in your business and its location in Google search page. Clickbait titles might get you traffic, but to sustain it in the long run, there are specific things to keep in mind:

1. Informative & Quality Content is the Key

The biggest challenge of content marketers is, they like to enter the content marketing game that has a majority of shares & likes. However there are many social media pages that are not gathering enough curiosity. The quality gap seems to be rising clearly, which is not yielding enough Return on Investment (ROI).

Another dilemma arises when this information is not conveyed properly to the readers, hence it doesn’t get enough organic reach to a targeted audience. Content should not only be rich or elegant, but meaningful, and should act as a knowledge based guide.

2. Visual Marketing is the New Buzz

Majority of people doesn’t have enough time to go through every single word of your content. While in this case, the visualization plays an important role to know what is actually being conveyed through your video. The messages should be easy to comprehend by a certain layman investor or viewers, as the video marketing has a universal appeal and commonly observed as new ‘Buzz’ in the marketing field. The common components of visual marketing are E-Books, Infographics, Webinars, Visual content tools, etc.that demonstrate the pure insight & mechanism of visual marketing industry.

3. Adherence to Standards & Quality Metrics

Business strategies,mostly fail when they don’t adhere to certain quality standards. When a company is a new start up or already enjoying the monopolistic competition in the market, they need to keep their viewers updated. The momentpeople fail to grab the attention of readers, their sales will certainly decline. To make the readers understand we have designed a specific form of short-term equilibrium content marketing graph pertaining to sales output in the social media world:

Table 1.1: Short term equilibrium chart of monopolistic competition & its impact on sales after the modular change in content strategy.

From the above chart, Pt 1 (highlighted in the red mark) denotes the quality of content marketing strategy that impacts the sales & Return on Investment (ROI) of a firm. While the Pt 2, denotes the change in quality of content that fails to generate the curiosity of a reader, hugely impacting the sales & quality lead generation for their respective business.

Majority of the big publishers follows a certain quality metrics while accepting to print a book for new authors without actually involving the cost, this shows that the quality metrics is really important in the content industry.

4. Content Personalization

Regardless, how much you write,the tone of personalization ismust, at least this is what I have observed in the last few years. It should actuallycaptivate the mind of readers & force them to believe that everything is actually real. I don’tknow if many people will agree or not,but“Inception” is the greatest films of all time, where the concept revolved around “Leonardo’s personal dream’.It won many accolades and the appreciation of the viewers for its visual effects and story, but it was content personalization that made you connect with Leonardo’s dreams.

Similarly, when you create a blog, personalization is something what you should actually crave for. This shows that personalization doeswork wonders in a content industry.

5. Content Analysis & Introspection

To check how your article is distinct from average, you should ask several questions to yourself:

  • Is my blog making sense?
  • Who is your real target audience?
  • What is the purpose & focus of this article?
  • Is my blog getting organic reach?
  • Who could actually benefit from this article?

These above question should actually consider, while designing a desired content strategy for your marketing purpose.

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